After the separation of quartz and calcite by flotation using anionic sodium oleate, cationic ether amine collector was used to float the chlorite, which exhibited a good selectivity. 采用阴离子捕收剂油酸钠将矿石中的石英和方解石浮选分离以后,采用阳离子捕收剂醚胺浮选绿泥石时呈现出良好的选择性。
Study on Preparing Super Quartz Sand by Cationic/ anionic Collector Reverse Flotation 阴/阳离子捕收剂反浮选制备高纯石英砂研究
Flotation Performance of Low-temperature-resistant Cationic Collector GE-609 Using in Separating SiO_2 脱硅耐低温捕收剂GE-609的浮选性能研究
Study on Reverse Flotation of Magnetite With GE-601 Low Temperature-resistant Cationic Collector 耐低温阳离子捕收剂GE-601反浮选磁铁矿的研究
To meet the requirement of further deep-going efforts of quality improvement and impurity reduction of iron concentrate in China, a new type GE-601 cationic collector was developed. 为了适应我国铁精矿提质降杂工作进一步深入的需要,研制了一种新型阳离子捕收剂GE-601。
Super quartz sand containing SiO 2 as high as 99.97% can be prepared by cationic/ anionic collector reverse flotation from quartzite containing clay minerals such as feldspar and mica after crushing, grinding and tabling. 对含长石、云母等粘土矿物的石英岩,经粉碎、磨矿、摇床选别后,采用阴/阳离子捕收剂反浮选,可制备SiO2含量达9997%的高纯石英砂。
All those present the synthesis of the cationic collector GE-601 is successful. 这说明合成的捕收剂GE-601是成功的。
The results indicate that the DN 12 is a better cationic collector than the dodecyl amine. 结果表明:DN12的捕收性能优于十二胺;
The results show that only water structure breaker salts, such as KCl, could be floated with either anionic or cationic collector, due to the ability to destroy the "ice-like" water structure. 结果表明,只有能破坏水分子之间的冰状结构水的水结构疏散盐,如KCl,才可以被浮选。